Russia: How ethno-businesses develop in Khakassia and elsewhere


In Khakassia and some other regions of Russia there are people who know how to monetize knowledge about their people’s culture, reports

Ethno-business promotes native cultures, which are so precious in modern times. What’s more, it brings considerable income for owners of small and medium-sized businesses. This topic was raised yesterday in the program “Business Morning” on NTV. It highlighted several ethnic business projects.

For example, Alexander Taskinen created Altai Tea in Moscow. Here you can buy fresh spruce, cherry pancakes, honey, and tea from the Altai Mountains. First, the enterprising citizen bought goods from suppliers, and then he created his own supply.

Peter Kurpita founded the Center for Slavic Tradition. For over 17 years he has traveled the country, participating in fairs and giving memorable shows. In addition, he started producing traditional Russian drinks-kvass, sbitnya, etc.

Also mentioned was a business created on the basis of the culture and traditions of Khakassia. Timir and Mary Burchikova established family business, the idea of which arose three years ago with a mysterious image of a shaman. The drawing was digitized and transferred to clothes. And then, magic. The idea grew into a business and a brand, “Born in Siberia”. Now products from Khakassia — T-shirts, hoodies, leather accessories, etc. — are shipped to different parts of the world as far as Australia and America.

“Initially, this project was not conceived as a business. It was a creative process within the family, a search for design solutions at first for ourselves, and then everything went beyond our home and grew into a company. It is unthinkable to create a business on the basis of ethnicity with a soulless commercial approach. Culture requires a careful attitude, careful interpretation, and service. We strive to create a modern interpretation of ethnic symbols and images, without distorting or simulating the native culture of the republic. This is the basic principle for us. And the buyer feels all this, probably, so our business receives quite an enthusiastic positive response, both within Khakassia, and far beyond its limits.

We live in a very interesting time where business is being completely rethought, and the process of globalization and the interpenetration of cultures is being accelerated. We, in this regard, have the opportunity to move away from some of the usual business models — for example, not having our own production, but organizing this process from here and to there, controlling it at all stages and ensuring the quality of the final product.

Our monthly turnover is not half a million rubles. Although it is our goal for the near future, subject to the expansion of sales”, — said Timir Borchikov.

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