Russia: Over 300 nationalities took part in the St. Petersburg Ball of Nationalities


On the 315th anniversary of St. Petersburg, May 27 2018, a traditional annual Ball of Nationalities was held — a procession of representatives of various ethnic and sub-ethnic groups living in the northern capital, as reported by

Participants in the march were dressed in ethnic costumes of the peoples of the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Baltics, Siberia, the Volga region, and other regions. More than 300 different ethnicities took part in the Ball of Nationalities.

After the parade on Nevsky Prospect, the Nationality Ball continued on Exchange Square. There, for residents and visitors of the city, representatives of ethnicities offered a concert, master classes, exhibitions of folk art, and photo sessions.

We are a multi-ethnic city; we preserve the cultures and languages ​​of all the peoples who live in St. Petersburg. We are diverse, but in this diversity is our strength,” said vice-governor Alexander Govorunov, who appeared in front of the Exchange.

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